Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Naughty Strangers

     Well we've all been there, at least if you're a parent of a kid you've probably been there. You know, the day you have to go to the store because your little vipers have eaten everything in your entire pantry and freezer. I could avoid it no more, I had to go to *gasp* THE STORE (DUM DUM DAHHH!)

      Honestly, in what realm of possibility did I think we could make it through a store without incident? You see, before kids I saw the parents with kids screaming at the store. I thought they just were ineffective parents that gave into Little Susie or Jimmy's whims. Now I have my very own Tiny Terror and I feel ashamed for my previous opinions. We made it through TSA security the card checker at the door. (Seriously, what in the hell would I bring a screaming kid into this store if I didn't have a card? For fun??)  Things were just going lovely, really.  TT (Tiny Terror) was actually sitting in the seat portion of the cart while screaming for samples that he could not have due to food allergies. This actually is progress.
      I am accustom to the stares from other parents. Actually it's kinda funny sometimes, especially when TT tells the woman who laughs at him to, "stop laughing at me jerk ass lady!" I am way past being embarrassed anymore. What I am not familiar with is the more Southern tradition of others trying to discipline your children for you. You know, in case you are an "ineffective" parent. (See, I knew that would come back to bite me in the ass). So TT decides that he is going to kick Soccer Star in the head as she tries to put the 25lb bag of rice under the cart. I quickly stepped in and told him not to do that. That should be the end of it. Not so, because in stepped the strange man who decided to come right into TT's face and tell him "Yeah TT, don't kick your sister!" At this, my SS starts to cringe and back away. She KNOWS I am pissed. I am that Mom. The one that would step in on a Dateline What Would You Do type of Mom. I see SS and decide to let the Ignorant Stranger off this time. Apparently TT did not get this memo. See, TT is being evaluated for Autism. He also has ADHD and a myriad of other health issues. One of the things he HATES is eye contact, especially with strangers. Great. This little encounter sent him into a hiding frenzy. I calmly pulled down the aisle and told him (in a rather loud voice) that he should not kick SS in the head. I also told him that the "stranger" should not try to discipline him that he was wrong to try to do so. At this, TT turned and started growling like a Pitt bull and saying, "Naughty Stranger!! GRRRRRRR!!!" This was accompanied by pointing and growling. Repeatedly, all over the store.  I can't even tell you the looks we got that day. A woman with a teenager, a full cart and a rabid preschooler growling through the Costco. Just your average day at the store.

1 comment:

  1. ROTFLOL!! You guys are too much! We love you all and miss you too!!
